贵州世华日升腐植酸有限公司创办于2002年,系腐植酸氨水产品开发与生产的专业厂家,系复方氯化钴和多种活质促长素的定点生产厂家。 我公司本着质量第一、用户至上的宗旨,以先进的生产工艺及完善的检测手段,为广大用户提供优质产品。产品的注册商标为“华帮农”牌,质量可靠,性能稳定,经济效果显著,在广大用户中声誉良好,为工业、农业、畜牧水产的发展作出了积极的贡献,取得了可喜的成果。我公司一直为其它经销商贴牌加工中、高级腐植酸钾系列产品。我公司拥有腐植酸原粉开采权。公司于2010年在云南昭通又筹建了云南兴伦腐植酸有限公司。年生产处理腐植酸500000吨氨水10万吨左右..公司采用先进干燥技术,利用流水线生产方式,可根据客户需要生产腐植酸、腐植酸钠、腐植酸钾系列产品.月生产产品2000吨;月开采原矿80000吨. 本公司承诺:产品优质、性能稳定、交货及时、价格合理。Guizhou Shihua Risheng Humic Acid Co., Ltd was established in 2002. It is engaged in product development and also a professional manufacturer of Humic Acid. It is a designated manufacturer of Cobalt Chloride and growth substance for various living substances.Our purpose is “Quality First, Customer Formost”. With advanced technologies and testing measures, we supply high-quality products to our customers. Our company has passed ISO 9000-2008 Quality Control System and the brand of our products was registered as HUA BANG NONG. With its reliable quality, stable perfomance and significant economic benefits, our products enjoy great popularity from the customers and make positive contribution to the development of industry, agriculture and animal husbandry. Satisfactory achievements were gained. We have access to import and export business and mining right of original mineral powder of Humic Acid. We use advanced microwave drying technology and production lines to manufacture Humic Acid series of products. The ourput of Humic Acid series is 1,000 metric tons per month and the mineral is 8,000 metric tons per month. Hereby, we promise that we will supply high-quality products with stable performance, timely delivery and reasonable prices.